Vocational Impact

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Our Vocational Impact

We have teamed up with The Junkluggers and are proud sponsors of the non-profit organization Efficiency for All. Together, we are driving the Green Workforce Development movement! Through this program, we support individuals in fields like Materials Management, which includes repurposing, recycling, and efficient materials pickup and distribution. These eco-champions are making a significant impact on waste reduction and environmental preservation.

But there’s more! We are also empowering a skilled workforce that trains workers to do Energy Assessments and to be Energy Efficiency Technicians . They are the experts who help you reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy costs. The best part is that these talented workers earn living wages, making their valuable humanitarian and environmental work truly rewarding. Join us in celebrating Green Workforce Development and be a part of the journey towards a cleaner, greener future. Together, we can create a brighter world!